Miscellaneous: Books
Tara and the Magic Tree
The book „Tara and the Magic Tree“ written by Žarko Vučinić, won the Award of the best children’s book in 2019 by the “Association of Children and Youth Writers” in Montenegro and the Literary Prize “Lukijan Mušicki” by the “Sunčani breg” Literary Society in Serbia as well as the Little Prince Award in Bosnia in 2020, the most important award of children’s literature in the Western Balkans region. Tara and the Magic Tree is an eco-tale about fighting for a cleaner planet, which teaches us the basics of the concept of Zero Waste, where your Znuggle soft toys are the heroes. The story is an imaginative work intertwined with the exciting adventures of unusual inhabitants of the Stoboj Mountains, which prompt us to think: “Are we cutting the branch we are sitting on?” In order not to fall into the abyss full of plastic and garbage, there is Tara – a powerful eco-warrior, Timothy – a curious boy, and a prophetic gentleman named Immanade, a guardian of miraculous wool, a purple-eyed woman, a donkey Maga – a carrot juice taster and a frog who knows only one a word, but even that is enough for him to share advice and scare the miscreants. Printed on 100% recycled paper. FREE DELIVERY IN MONTENEGRO. PLEASE NOTE THAT ADDING THE BOOK TO YOUR BASKET MAY SIGNIFICANTLY INCREASE YOUR DELIVERY COST TO FOREIGN DESTINATIONS, DUE TO THE HIGH TARIFF OF MONTENEGRIN POST. The digital version of the book is also available on Apple Book (Itunes), Rakuten Kobo, 24symbols, Barnes&Noble and Amazon [2.99€]. Read in exclusivity the first 3 chapters (for free). 15% discount for order above 10 copies, using the code BOOK10COPIES15.
MoreSt Michael School EkoSkola Newsletter October – December 2022
Din hija l-ewwel ħarġa għal din is-sena. Din is-sena wara li f’dawn is-sentejn ta’ COVID sar xogħol b’mod differenti mis-soltu, irnexxilna niksbu s-sitt bandiera ħadra. Din is-sena bħala skola se niffukaw fuq ‘MARINE LITTER’. Għalkemm l-iskola tagħna qedha ferm imbegħda mill-baħar u dan se joffri ftit ta’ sfida, xorta se nagħmlu li nistgħu biex nwasslu l-messaġġ tagħna. U dan se nagħmluh billi norganizzaw ‘CLEAN UP’ , ntellgħu vidjo informattiv u attivitajiet oħra bħal posters marbutin mal-baħar u l-ispeċi marittimi. Dawn is-sentejn ukoll flimkien ma’ PRINCE TRUST sar xogħol fuq is-serra ġewwa l- ġnien. Issa nistgħu ngħidu li hija lesta u tista’ tibda tintuża kemm mill-kumitat u anke’ mill-PRINCE TRUST. Din is-sena wkoll bħala skola se naraw li nerġgħu nduru lejn dak li bdejna fejn nerġgħu magħmlu wkoll Environmental Review mal-iskola kollha, kif ukoll naħdmu fuq Eko-code. Nirringrazzja lil dawk kollha li b’xi mod ikkontribwew biex sena wara sena tawna support , kif ukoll dawk li jikkooperaw kemm billi jibżgħu għall-ambjent fl-iskola, kif ukoll dawk li jġibu tappijiet għar-riċiklaġġ. F’isem il-kumitat kollu nawguralkom Milied u Sena mill-aqwa u aktar ħidma favur l-ambjent ta’ madwarna. A T T I V I T A J I E T M I L L -K U M I T A T Air quality Presentation Yr7 studenti ġodda Inawgurazzjoni Serra Clean Up bajja Rovigo Erasmus Training HSBC Environmental Review LEAF Award School Environmental Review Xogħol vidjo Magħluq
MoreSt Michael School EkoSkola Newsletter April – June 2022
Aħbarijiet mill-kumitat tal-EkoSkola tal-Iskola St Michael, Santa Venera… A T T I V I T A J I E T M I L L – K U M I T A T Air quality Webinar Presentation Green Flag evaluation Xogħol fuq Serra Ħidma fIl-Ballut ta’ Marsaxlokk Mobility Presentation Eko-Parlament Rovigo Erasmus Training F ’ D I N I L – Ħ A R Ġ A Editorjal Clouds Marine Litter (Esperjenza) Alien Species in Malta Globe Project (Air quality) Readings Electricty / Solar Panel Ritratti
MoreWe care about our present and our future
We care about our present and our future: A report. Eco- Schools 11th Young People’s Summit… © 2022 Nature Trust – FEE Malta Any part of the publication can be reproduced as long as the source is properly cited and credited. Citation: Nature Trust – FEE Malta (2022). We care about our present and our future: A report. Eco-Schools 11th Young People’s Summit. Listening to children’s voices for sustainability There was a time, in the not-so-distant past, that the notion of listening to and acting on children’s voices was unheard of and even frowned upon. Children were considered as incapable of making value judgements, of evaluating issues and propose solutions to problems unless they were told how to do it by adults. Most of the opportunities offering children a platform were mostly (at best) different forms of tokenism. Children were expected to listen to and uncritically absorb what adults had to say on issues and themes that had a direct relevance to the children’s present and future. Education for Sustainable Development seeks to empower individuals irrespective of age to become active citizens seeking to promote sustainable lifestyles and choices. Nature Trust – FEE Malta sought to actively facilitate this by implementing the international Eco-Schools Programme (locally called EkoSkola). The EkoSkola programme is mainly driven by student initiated and managed actions that start off at school, but then spill over into their households and their community. Since its inception in 2002, the EkoSkola program has worked hard to bring the voice of children to policy makers, both local and overseas. So, over the years EkoSkola has created different fora to achieve this, like: EkoSkola Parliament sessions, consultation meetings with various Maltese presidents and ministers; meetings with the main political party leaders during which they presented a memorandum prior to the General Elections; and countless meetings with mayors and councillors of different localities. Another forum that promotes children’s voices is the annual Young People’s Summit, during which primary and secondary school students discuss various sustainability issues and propose ways how these issues can be addressed. These issues are collated into a declaration that is then presented to members of parliament. There were even cases where these recommendations were also presented to international fora such as during the Informal Meeting of the EU Environment Council; during international conferences about sustainability, and to delegates attending the CHOGM 2015. As part of the COP 26 follow up, the British High Commission sponsored five mini sessions that explored Climate Change from various dimensions that were attended by students from 103 schools (63 primary and 40 secondary). During the online summits, students discussed with local experts the various perspectives of the issues explored and proposed practical actions that could be implemented to address the issues. These proposals were collated in this special publication together with several other inputs from younger children in the form of drawings and craft projects. An interesting spin off from this series of mini summits, was an interest in learning what children from …
MoreLearning Corner for 5-18 year olds by European Commission
If you’re a primary or secondary school pupil, this is where you’ll find games, competitions and activity books to help you discover the EU in a fun way, in the classroom or at home. You can also find out more about studying or volunteering abroad. If you’re a teacher and want to help your pupils learn about the EU and how it works, this is a source of teaching material for all age groups. As well as finding inspiration for lesson plans, you can also discover networking opportunities with other schools and teachers across the EU. You can find material about food, farming, fisheries, environment, climate, energy, culture and much more… NOTE: This resource is available in various languages. Links to the Maltese and English versions can be found below. More direct links in attachments below too.
MoreSomebody swallowed Stanley!
by Sarah Roberts (Author), Hannah Peck (Illustrator) Everybody has a taste for Stanley – and the other ocean creatures just keep mistaking him for a delicious treat – but this is no ordinary jellyfish. Most jellyfish have dangly-gangly tentacles, but Stanley has two handles… Other jellyfish have a magical glow, but Stanley has stripes… Because Stanley (spoiler alert) is a plastic bag! A beautifully illustrated picture book with a powerful message about plastic pollution from environmental expert Sarah Roberts. The perfect gift to introduce children to the issues of plastic in our oceans Brilliant for teachers to read to children in class when introducing them to pollution issues This book is made of material from well-managed FSC-certified forests and other controlled sources Reading age: 3 – 6 years Print length: 32 pages Language: English Dimensions: 25 x 0.3 x 27.9 cm Publisher: Scholastic Sarah Roberts is on a mission! Everybody has a taste for Stanley, but he is no ordinary jellyfish. Stanley is a plastic bag… With beautiful illustrations, Somebody Swallowed Stanley tells the story of the problems a simple plastic bag can create in the oceans and all the creatures he meets on his journey. Eco-expert Sarah Roberts has worked in conservation all around the world. With large amounts of plastic spreading into remote ecosystems and food chains, Sarah is on a mission to help children understand the issues: “If children aren’t aware, how can they protect their favourite places and the awesome creatures who live there?” Some facts about plastics 18 billion pounds of plastic waste flows into the oceans every year from coastal regions. Plastic impacts entire food chains – sea, soil, plants and creatures. Scientists predict that every seabird and every turtle on this planet have plastic in their stomachs. Reducing, reusing, recycling and picking up plastic makes a life or death difference to ocean life. Our actions have global effects as currents transport plastics across continents. There is even evidence of plastic pollution on the North Pole.
MoreMother Earth is Weeping
by Claire Donald (Author), Simon Taylor (Illustrator) Paperback Publisher : Fuzzy Flamingo (24 Aug. 2020) Language : English Paperback : 32 pages ISBN-10 : 1838094415 ISBN-13 : 978-1838094416 Reading age : 3 – 11 years Dimensions : 20.96 x 0.2 x 20.96 cm About the Author Claire Donald was born and still lives in South Wales, United Kingdom. Claire was a primary school teacher for twenty years and is currently a children’s author and educational games designer. Claire and Simon love visiting schools to talk about their work and do educational activities with the children. Simon Taylor is a watercolour artist from the same town as Claire. After reading her stories he decided to move into illustration. They work closely together to bring the stories to life. Claire and Simon love visiting schools to talk about their work and do educational activities with the children. Author Claire Donald reads her best selling picture book Mother Earth is Weeping. Suitable for 3-11 year olds interested in the environment and caring for the planet.
MoreOur Planet, Our Future
The Teacher’s Hub provided by the European Commission contains a selection of classroom exercises and relevant materials for the “Causes”, “Impacts” and “Solutions” modules of the interactive site for students “Our planet, our future”. In each section, you’ll find an introduction worksheet, various thematic worksheets and one answer sheet. Our Planet, Our Future: Fighting Climate Change Together Climate change is one of the most serious challenges facing our world today. Our planet is experiencing significant and accelerated climate change that began over a century ago. This educational tool is developed by the European Commission. It is based on information contained in “Our Planet, Our Future: fighting climate change together”, initially published in 2015 ahead of the Paris climate conference and updated in 2018.
MoreI am Peace: A Book of Mindfulness by Susan Verde – UN Book Club (SDG 3: Good Health and Well-Being)
A lovely narrative storybook to lead younger children towards mindfulness and inner peace, thoughtfully illustrated by Peter H. Reynolds, that captures the thread of anxious thoughts as they run away. Reading the story leads the child through a mindfulness exercise, relieving stress and increasing well-being. The simplicity of the approach and gentleness of the illustrations and words have a direct effect on the reader. It encourages a sense of peace that can also be shared with others. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vnR5HDfR3JI (Right click and “Open in new tab”)
MoreThe Happy Prince by Oscar Wilde – UN Book Club (SDG1: No Poverty)
High above a city stands a gilded statue of the Happy Prince and a swallow who both witness the suffering, injustice and poverty of the people below. At the behest of the Happy Prince, the swallow begins to strip the statue of its jewels and gold leaf to give to the city’s poor. A poignant story by Oscar Wilde about compassion, charity, and selflessness. Author: Oscar Wilde | Illustrator: Maisie Paradise Shearring | ISBN: 978-0500651117 | Publisher: Thames & Hudson Animated Movie – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IP7ESTU4Pxs [Right click and choose “open link in new tab”]
MoreMaddi’s Fridge by Lois Brandt – UN Book Club (SDG 2: Zero Hunger)
Best friends Sofia and Maddi live in the same neighbourhood, go to the same school, and play in the same park, but while Sofia’s fridge at home is full of nutritious food, the fridge at Maddi’s house is empty. Sofia learns that Maddi’s family doesn’t have enough money to fill their fridge and promises Maddi she’ll keep this discovery a secret. But because Sofia wants to help her friend, she’s faced with a difficult decision: to keep her promise or tell her parents about Maddi’s empty fridge. Filled with colourful artwork, this storybook addresses issues of poverty with honesty and sensitivity while instilling important lessons in friendship, empathy, trust, and helping others. YouTube Read Along – https://www.youtube.com/watch?reload=9&v=BHtHB622yUY [Right click and “Open in a new tab”]
MoreWorking for Zero Hunger Activity Book
Did you know that there are over 820 million people in the world that go to bed hungry, while 1.9 billion people are overweight? The world has set a challenge to achieve Zero Hunger and better nutrition by 2030. But governments can’t do it alone – everyone has a role to play. Come on the Zero Hunger journey with me to discover what each of us -governments, farmers, businesses and the general public- have to do to reach this goal. Learn how you can become part of the Zero Hunger Generation! Year of publications: 2018 Place of publication: Rome, Italy Pages: #20 p. Author: FAO Publisher: FAO Agrovoc: Sustainable Development Goals; food security; youth
MoreHealthy Plants , Healthy Planet activity book
This activity book has been designed, written and illustrated to bring children and young people closer to the world of plant protection; the science that deals with plant health. Although addressed to an age group between eight and twelve years, this book can also be useful for older kids and educators. It can be considered as first, simple plant protection manual, designed on the occasion of the International Year of Plant Health 2020. Year of publications: 2020 Place of publication: Rome, Italy Pages: #24 p. ISBN: 978-92-5-132761-6 Author: FAO Publisher: FAO Agrovoc: plant health; plant protection; awareness raising; children; educational resources
MoreToolkit for Young Climate Activists
Created by young people who are concerned about our planet´s situation and who, as activists, have faced many challenges when advocating and taking action. Its goal is to share clear, concise, easily understandable information that describes the course that global, regional and national climate action is taking, in order to prepare young people for full and informed participation. The five booklets interrelate and are designed so that you can read them in succession and progressively deepen your knowledge of each of the topics. You can also consult them independently, according to your needs. You can download any of the 5 available booklets, available: 1) Tools for climate action 2) What is climate governance 3) Climate Glossary for young people 4) The Pars Agreement for young people 5) Escazy Agreement for young people
MoreESD for 2030 Toolbox
The ESD for 2030 roadmap sets out the urgent challenges facing the planet and underlines the implementation of the new Education for Sustainable Development: Towards achieving the SDGs (ESD for 2030) framework, which aims to increase the contribution of education to building a more just and sustainable world. The ESD for 2030 roadmap outlines actions in five priority action areas on policy, learning environments, building capacities of educators, youth and local level action, stressing further ESD’s key role for the successful achievement of the 17 SDGs and the great individual and societal transformation required to address the urgent sustainability challenges. It also underlines six key areas of implementation: country initiatives on ESD for 2030, ESD for 2030 Network, communication and advocacy, tracking issues and trends, mobilizing resources, and monitoring the progress. To complement the ESD for 2030 roadmap, UNESCO has developed this ESD for 2030 toolbox to provide an evolving set of selected resources to support Member States, regional and global stakeholders to develop activities in the five priority action areas and activities in support of the six key areas of implementation. For further information and suggestions, please contact [email protected]
MoreWWF Magazine
World Wildlife magazine provides an inspiring, in-depth look at the connections between animals, people and our planet. Published quarterly by WWF, the magazine helps make you a part of our efforts to solve some of the most pressing issues facing the natural world.
MoreUnderstanding Food and Climate Change – An Interactive Guide
Understanding Food and Climate Change: An Interactive Guide explores the links between what we grow, eat, and throw away, and the impact of climate change. But why explore the relationships between food and climate change? Because food is an essential human need and offers the potential for personalizing climate change. Food production depends on natural resources that are linked to climate and weather. Understanding the global food system can help your students comprehend how personal choices about food can impact climate change. By talking about food, we can demonstrate why climate change matters to all of us. The link below leads to an interactive e-book with loads of information and activities. The Center for Ecoliteracy offers a no-cost suite of digital education resources that explore the fundamental relationships between climate change and the food systems that sustain human life. These publications consider the potential for food systems-oriented climate change mitigation and adaptation. The first two resources in the suite are Understanding Food and Climate Change: An Interactive Guide and Understanding Food and Climate Change: A Systems Perspective. Understanding Food and Climate Change: An Interactive Guide incorporates text, video, photography, and an array of interactive experiences to deliver climate science alongside multicultural, interdisciplinary viewpoints. Its aim is to promote awareness and understanding of global climate issues, their intersection with food systems, and promising strategies for addressing climate change. This resource includes suggested activities and connections to both the Next Generation Science Standards and the National Curriculum Standards for Social Studies Thematic Strands. The companion publication, Understanding Food and Climate Change: A Systems Perspective, is a collection of essays that addresses topics that educators will encounter when teaching about food and climate change. These essays offer subjects for class discussion or student research and provide extensive resources for further investigation. This resource applies systems thinking to inspire readers to think in terms of systems, both human and natural. Used together, these publications serve as a strong foundation for developing and deepening our understanding of how we interact with nature. They are valuable resources for anyone engaged in shaping a more positive future. Copyright © 2018 Center for Ecoliteracy 2150 Allston Way, Suite 270 Berkeley, CA 94704-1377
MoreEnvironment and school initiatives: Issue 83
Find here a variety of tools and ideas – which may support your own daily work for ESD.
MoreGlobal themes for international learning
Our five global themes have associated classroom resources, including resources to use with a partner school, as well as project templates to shape classroom activities. Global themes Identity and belonging Sustainable living Conflict and peace Fairness and equality Rights and responsibilities The British Council believes that the inclusion of children and young people into the regular education systems of their respective countries is an entitlement and a fundamental human right regardless of their gender, ethnicity, ability, socioeconomic background, health or medical condition. We are committed to working with school systems to create more inclusive classrooms and have brought together international thinking and practice in this area to examine it further. Read about how some practitioners are tackling issues of inclusion in our Core Skills for All brochure.
MoreComics Uniting nations
Comics Uniting Nations is a partnership of UNICEF, PCI Media, World’s Largest Lesson, PVBLIC Foundation and Reading with Pictures, to make the Sustainable Development Goals accessible to the citizens of the world through comics.
MoreSDGs for Children – The World We Want
Surely all have heard of the Sustainable Development Goals. 17 Goals – One Global Aim….Here is an excellent information booklet for children (and obviously also for adults) to help one understand better what they are all about : The World We Want – A Young Person’s Guide to the Global Goals for Sustainable Development.
MoreThe Earth Dog Story – Earth Dog returns to Save the Environment
The Earth Dog Story, first published in 1992, returns as an app in iTunes and an eBook as part of the U.S. Department of Energy environmental outreach program with Weekly Reader. Earth Dog is a superhero who teaches kids about taking care of the environment.
MoreHow Green Are You? A personal action plan
Can you help to save the world? Yes, you can – if you’re 6 years old or more. You can save energy, protect wildlife, join in and help clean up the water and the air. It’s fun!! Conservationist David Bellamy and the Friendly Whale show you how,
MoreGreen Schools Are Better for Students
Published by the American Institute of Architects and the U.S. Green Building Council, this report details what mayors, superintendents, and other local leaders can do to advance the movement for environmentally friendly schools.
MoreSustainable Schools Project Kits and Guides
Shelburne Farms’ Sustainable Schools Project has released three new resources in celebration of National Education for Sustainability Week. All of these resources are available as free downloads from the Sustainable Schools Project Website.
MoreOperation: Reuse It!
With colorful illustrations and fact-filled diagrams complementing the adventure, this picture book tells the story of how Peter and his friends help Mr. Ogilvy rediscover forgotten belongings in his shed. They help him organize and distribute the unwanted stuff to reuse centers in the community, learning the many ways and benefits of reusing. The children have fun with forgotten treasures such as old toys, electronics, art supplies, and even a broken-down car, while they work together to determine how the items should be reused, in the process saving resources, energy, and money, while diverting materials from the landfill. By: Sabbithry Persad Illustrated by: Jenny Campbell
MoreWhat’s It Like Living Green?: Kids Teaching Kids, by the Way They Live
These days,there’s a lot of talk about living green, but does anyone actually do it? In What’s It Like, Living Green? Kids Teaching Kids, by the Way They Live, you’ll learn how other kids live green
MoreEasy to Be Green: Simple Activities You Can Do to Save the Earth (Little Green Books)
Everyone’s talking about the environment these days, especially kids. But what can kids do? A lot! This book is filled with cool coloring pages, Earth-saving tips, fun facts, and easy activities kids can do to help the environment. It’s just what kids need to be green all by themselves!
More365 Ways to Live Green for Kids: Saving the Environment at Home, School, or at Play – Every Day!
In the greenconscious world we live in today, parents realize the importance of teaching the lessons of green living, early on.
MoreThe Everything® Kids’ Environment Book
Everything we do has an impact on the world around us–from the clothes we wear and food we eat to the gardens we grow and the trash we throw away. And to take the best care of the earth–and ourselves–it’s important to make smart choices.
MoreProfessor Noah’s Spaceship
Once upon a time, the animals and birds lived happily in a beautiful forest that provided for all their needs. Sadly, pollution begins to destroy their shelter and food supply, and their future looks bleak.
MoreWhy is Coco orange? – Book about air quality
This free downloadable new picture book from the U.S. EPA helps children better understand how to protect their health. Why is Coco Orange?, tells the story of Coco the chameleon who can’t change colors and along with his friends they learn about air quality while solving the mystery.