Animal Awareness: Books

Meta r-ramel sar blu – Ktieb b’tema ambjentali

Ktieb miktub bil-Malti immirat ghal etajiet minn 8 sa 12-il sena.  Is-Sa Denise Muscat mhux biss kitbet l-istorja imma ħejjiet ukoll id-disinji għalih. Il-ktieb hu spirat mill-għaram tar-ramel li hawn fil-gżejjer Maltin u l-Fekruna l-Komuni li tbejjet f’uħud mill-bajjiet ramlin f’malta u Għawdex.  Il-ktieb jinkludi wkoll xi fatti storiċi u emfasi fuq l-effetti negattivi tal-plastik fuq il-kreaturi tal-baħar. Il-pubblikazzjoni hija ta’ Horizons b’kollaborazzjoni mal-Aġenzija Nazzjonali tal-Litteriżmu. Fekruna anzjana qed tirrakkonta dwar bajja fejn kienet titla’ tbid snin ilu… Hemm bajja bir-ramel ħamrani fejn il-fjuri bojod tal-pankrazju jirriflettu l-kwiekeb. Fejn qalb il-baħar tħabbat kulur il-lapislazzuli. “Ara titfixkel mal-ħbula! Attenta min-nies!” twiddeb lill-fekruna żagħżugħa. Iżda x’sabet din il-fekruna meta telgħet hi fuq din il-bajja tal-ħolm? Book in Maltese aimed for ages 8-12, in Maltese. The book has an environmental theme, inspired by local sand dunes and the sea turtle. It also has some historical facts and emphasis on the harmful effects of plastic on sea life. All the illustrations are original.


WWF Magazine

World Wildlife magazine provides an inspiring, in-depth look at the connections between animals, people and our planet. Published quarterly by WWF, the magazine helps make you a part of our efforts to solve some of the most pressing issues facing the natural world.


Eco-Gozo Resources

Various resources for schools available here


SDGs for Children – The World We Want

Surely all have heard of the Sustainable Development Goals. 17 Goals – One Global Aim….Here is an excellent information booklet for children (and obviously also for adults) to help one understand better what they are all about : The World We Want – A Young Person’s Guide to the Global Goals for Sustainable Development.


Free Climate Change Education eBook

Climate Change Education: A Primer for Zoos and Aquariums, explores the links between climate change science, electronic media, psychology, learning sciences, communication, and interpretation, and provides valuable insights to zoos and aquariums and other cultural institutions.


How Green Are You? A personal action plan

Can you help to save the world? Yes, you can – if you’re 6 years old or more. You can save energy, protect wildlife, join in and help clean up the water and the air. It’s fun!! Conservationist David Bellamy and the Friendly Whale show you how,


Professor Noah’s Spaceship

Once upon a time, the animals and birds lived happily in a beautiful forest that provided for all their needs. Sadly, pollution begins to destroy their shelter and food supply, and their future looks bleak.
