School Grounds: Useful links

St Michael School EkoSkola Newsletter April – June 2022

    Aħbarijiet mill-kumitat tal-EkoSkola tal-Iskola St Michael, Santa Venera… A T T I V I T A J I E T    M I L L – K U M I T A T Air quality Webinar Presentation Green Flag evaluation Xogħol fuq Serra Ħidma fIl-Ballut ta’ Marsaxlokk Mobility Presentation Eko-Parlament Rovigo Erasmus Training F ’ D I N  I L – Ħ A R Ġ A Editorjal Clouds Marine Litter (Esperjenza) Alien Species in Malta Globe Project (Air quality) Readings Electricty / Solar Panel Ritratti


Eco-friendly gardens: 7 ways you can help protect the environment with self-sustaining gardening habits.

If you’re looking for a fun outdoor project this spring, planting and taking care of an eco-friendly garden is a great choice. It’s a fulfilling activity that helps you enjoy nature while staying mindful about your environmental impact, and it’s an ideal way to add beauty to your property. There are even more benefits to eco-friendly gardening if you choose to grow vegetables and herbs, as you can use them in delicious, home-cooked meals. You’ll have peace of mind knowing the food you’re using is organic—and you’ll have the satisfaction of knowing you grew the plants yourself. Ready to do your own eco-friendly gardening? Here are seven tips to help you get started.


The Biophilic Design – connecting buildings to nature

This documentary explaining Biophilic Deesign, the design revolution that connects buildings to the natural world, showcases buildings that connect people and nature–hospitals where patients heal faster, schools where children’s test scores are higher, offices where workers are more productive, and communities where people know more of their neighbors and families thrive.


Friends Environmental Education Network (FEEN)

In 1999, a group of educators from Friends schools began the Friends Environmental Education Network (FEEN) to further environmental stewardship and green practices in schools. Since then, FEEN share ideas, inspiration, and friendship. FEEN participants firmly believe that a commitment to sustainable living and environmental stewardship needs to be a fundamental component of a Quaker education. This website provides input about various green practices, projects, etc all realted to nature, environment, food, green buildings & spaces, etc.


Plan it Green – National Geographic

Turn Greenville into the greenest city ever – building eco-home, zero energy homes, opening eco shops, upgrading existing houses, enhance the community with parks and more…


How Green is My Town?

How Green is My Town?” is a grassroots effort to empower citizens and local decision makers to address the issues of climate change, sustainability, and environmental health at the local level.
