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ERASMUS+ project ESD Train the Trainer towards the Green Deal
27 educators working in various colleges and networks in Malta were involved in three different training mobilities focussing on Education...
Youth concerns and proposals for European Youth Week
Giving young people a voice… European Youth Week project by Nature Trust – FEE Malta to empower young people and give them an...
Welcome to the EkoSkola Malta website
Nature Trust – FEE Malta has in the past years given great importance to education for sustainable development (ESD) in our Islands so much so that we have become a reference point for ESD implementation. Besides being one of the three pillars on which our NGO is built, we strongly believe that ESD is an essential component in a strategy for a mentality change in the Maltese Islands towards sustainable lifestyles and choices. These principles spurred Nature Trust – FEE Malta to become the proud representatives of FEE in the Maltese Islands since 2002. Through FEE’s programmes we have been promoting ESD in the formal, non-formal and informal education sectors based on internationally approved standards. One such programme, that has become the feather in our cap, is the EkoSkola programme that has become synonymous with ESD at all levels of formal education. Thanks to our EkoSkola programme co-ordinator Prof Paul Pace and our six EkoSkola Officers, the number of schools participating in EkoSkola has kept increasing over the years. Partcipating schools that have engaged in the integration of ESD in the curriculum through a whole school approach are awarded the Green Flag – an international certification based on international quality criteria for ESD. Local research results have corroborated international findings that the programme is bringing about a personal and an institutional change of behaviour towards sustainability. Moreover, EkoSkola has been very proactive in promoting young people’s voices on sustainability in local and foreign fora.
Special thanks go to the Ministry for Education and Employment; the Ministry for the Environment, Climate Change and Planning, Transport Malta, the Embassy for the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Centre for Environmental Education and Research for their full support.
Vincent Attard
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SDGs Compendium
The 17 Sustainable Development Goals explained one by one through fun, games, crafts, discussions and more for all the family!
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