The EkoSkola Eco-Community Collaboration Award
For outstanding partnerships between EkoSkola Schools and Local Councils
About the Award
Nature Trust – FEE Malta, in collaboration with the Local Councils’ Association, is excited to introduce the EkoSkola Eco-Community Collaboration Award, designed to recognize and honour local councils that have demonstrated exceptional collaboration with the EkoSkola committees within their locality. This award aims to celebrate the efforts and achievements of local councils in promoting sustainability, environmental awareness, and community engagement. The EkoSkola Eco-Community Collaboration Award was launched during the Green Flag and Sustainable Mobility Awards held on 20th November 2024.
The EkoSkola Eco-Community Collaboration Award acknowledges the critical role that local councils play in supporting and facilitating sustainable development initiatives within their communities. By collaborating with EkoSkola committees, local councils contribute to the development of a sustainable future by fostering environmental stewardship, empowering young people, and promoting community involvement.
How to nominate your local council
An EkoSkola committee can nominate its local council for the EkoSkola Eco-Community Collaboration Award by filling in the Nomination Form demonstrating the local council’s collaboration with the committee. Applications need to be submitted by no later than end of May. The applications will be reviewed by a panel of judges, and the winning councils will be selected based on the criteria outlined below.
Award Criteria
- Inclusive Engagement: Evaluates the local council’s active and meaningful involvement of children and youth in decision-making processes related to environmental and sustainability issues, in collaboration with EkoSkola committees.
- Community Participation and Inclusivity: Assesses the local council’s ability to facilitate broad-based resident engagement in sustainability initiatives, including marginalised communities, through joint efforts with EkoSkola committees.
- Support for EkoSkola Projects: Measures the level of financial and logistical support for the successful implementation of EkoSkola projects.
- Educational Collaboration and Support: Examines the local council’s collaboration with schools and EkoSkola committees to create educational opportunities focused on environmental awareness and sustainability.
- Sustainability Impact: Evaluates the tangible environmental benefits resulting from joint initiatives between the local council and EkoSkola committees.
- Transparency and Communication: Assesses the clarity, frequency, and transparency of the local council’s communication with residents and EkoSkola committees about sustainability efforts and project outcomes.
- Long-term Vision and Innovation: Measures the local council’s commitment to long-term sustainability planning and the implementation of innovative solutions to sustainability challenges, in partnership with EkoSkola committees.
The Awards
The panel of judges reviewing the nominations will issue a list of awarded local councils who will receive a Certificate of Merit based on the following scheme:
- Gold Award: Outstanding performance (26 – 30 points)
- Silver Award: Above the threshold (16 – 25 points).
- Bronze Award: Achieving the minimum threshold (6 – 15 points).
The local council with the highest score will be honoured with the Shield for Outstanding Support, featuring the council’s name and the award year engraved. The shield will be held by the winning council for one year. All awards will be presented during the Green Flag award ceremony.
We encourage all local councils and EkoSkola committees to apply for the EkoSkola Eco-Community Collaboration Award and showcase their dedication and collaboration with the EkoSkola committee.
For the award criteria and more details, please refer to the downloadable file on the right hand side of the screen in bold blue font and visit the following links:
Should you have any queries, please contact Ms Cynthia Caruana at [email protected].
Thank you for your commitment to building a greener, more sustainable future for all.