The Trash Hack Campaign
February 8, 2021
The Foundation for Environmental Education has partnered with the UNESCO Associated Schools Network to make a global call for action and to invite all members to engage in action learning on trash, waste management and, more widely, sustainable development. The global campaign “Trash Hack” encourages young people to take action to promote sustainable development, reflect on their actions, and share their learnings. Trash Hacks are easy actions to reduce waste which can lead to big ideas...
Liam’s Swim – Keep the Sea Plastic Free
October 20, 2020
Liam Daly is a special nine year old boy who attends the Green Flag Eco-School Gozo College Rabat Primary otherwise known as The Happy School. Liam, a Year 6 primary student, is an active and determined Shamrock Stars athlete. He attempted with success to cross the Malta to Gozo channel swimming: a 5.5km swim on Monday 19th October 2020. He did this in just over two hours. Liam did this as a campaign to raise awareness about the danger of plastic in our precious seas. All funds collected...
Eco-Schools Malta launches BeMed Project
October 15, 2020
BEMED – A COMMITMENT FOR A PLASTIC-FREE MEDITERRANEAN SEA Nature Trust-FEE Malta, with the support of BeMed, is embarking on a Clean Seas by Eco-Schools project to raise more awareness on marine litter and microplastics and the dangers and damage related to them. Besides embarking on more beach clean-ups and related investigations involving students in schools and the community in general, Nature Trust-FEE Malta is going to create an educational resource pack aimed at different student age...
Linking with other Eco-Schools
March 24, 2020
Want to share plans, ideas and projects with other Eco-Schools, local or foreign? Or perhaps learn how other schools tackled particular difficulties or planned a particular theme? Schools are encouraged to set up links with other schools participating in the Eco-Schools programme – you have a choice from 53 countries. Besides sharing EkoSkola experiences students can practice the languages they are learning at school. Schools are free to decide how to proceed with the linking, whether...
Green Flag Awards Ceremony 2019
October 29, 2019
Whilst the country’s political leaders were busily engrossed debating who was the first to table the Climate Action Bill at parliament, thousands of Maltese students participating in EkoSkola have been busy working at will for the past 17 years to try to mitigate and adapt to the realities of the unimpeded climate change effects and other issues that affect our quality of life. In a ceremony presided over by the President of Malta, H.E. Dr George Vella at San Ġorġ Preca College, Guardian Angel...