What’s on your fork?
Does what you eat really have impact on our planet? Could mealtime choices actually help promote clean drinking water? What’s On Your Fork? is a new, free downloadable action guide and collection of supplementary educational tools from EarthEcho International designed to help educators and students explore the environmental and community impact of daily food choices. This new resource is part of EarthEcho’s Water Planet Challenge, a Web-based interactive program exploring a myriad of topics that engage and empower middle and high school-aged youth to design, create, and implement service-learning projects in their communities. Rich in academic connections, the What’s On Your Fork? step-by-step action guide includes stimulating content, student organizers for discussions and planning, and examples of youth taking action.
Visit the Web site to learn more about NEA Foundation Water Planet Challenge educator grants and an upcoming What’s On Your Fork? Webinar hosted by Philippe Cousteau, Jr.