Waking up – video by the GAIA foundation
A man wakes up from a nightmare of a forest in destruction. As he stirs other visions flash before his eyes with his early morning actions. Frustration and anger turn to calm realisation as he slowly wakes up to the fact that his daily actions are connected to the world around him. His experience changes from feeling to realisation, then to positive action, as he transforms his life from being part of a global problem to becoming part of the solution.
Waking Up is a 13 minute movie to spread a message about:
Environmental Issues, Fair Trade Issues, Animal cruelty, Vegetarianism, Animal Testing, Energy Saving, Drought, Global Warming, Climate change, Poverty, Pollution, Child Labour, Deforestation, Leather Industry, Sweatshops, Waste, Gaia, alternative way of living, making a change.