Hands on Farming – Gozo

The Hands On Farming Program is intended to familiarise students with our local environment and with the Maltese farming industry. Students attend the Xewkija Experimental Farm for a half day visit, during which they are given information on the work carried out on the farm.

The Programme

Students are welcomed and introduced to the programme by the teachers in-charge. First they follow an interactive lecture on local environment and its protection. Subjects covered include; Soil conservation, types of soil, protection of endemic trees and plants and other horticulture subjects. After a short break, students are taken for a tour around the various sections of the farm. They are shown the various products grown in the Farm’s five green houses. They visit the animal husbandry section, which include ; sheep, goats, chickens, rabbits and the birds section. They also visit the fruit tree nurseries where Peaches, Nectarines, Plums, Apricots, Figs, Pomegranates, and Citrus trees are grown. They also observe the work carried on the farm, notice the different modern irrigation systems that are used on the farm i.e. Drips and Sprinklers.

Practical session ( Hands – On )

The climax of the visit is when students themselves do some manual work such as planting or transplanting seedlings and propagate some plants by either sowing or cuttings. Every student is also given a packet of Maltese indigenous tree seeds to sow at home.


Hands On Farming (Gozo) Programme,
Government Experimental Farm,
Xewkija, Gozo.


[email protected]