Follow Up SDG 1: Malta ‘inflates’ Official Development Aid figures by 50% (Year 9 – Year 11)
EU countries like Malta are expected to send ODA – Official Development Assistance to developing countries to assist people who are poor and marginalised. In 2016 it was reported that Malta together with other EU countries were not really providing as much support to those in need. Malta claimed that it is already spending a lot with the refugees that are reaching the island.
What are your views about this?
Wasn’t Malta already doing enough?
Isn’t this a heavy burden for Malta already?
Why does Malta have to fork more money as ODA when it has to deal with the costs of providing food and shelter for refugees arriving by boats in their hundreds?
– Download this NSO document:
The European Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC) survey
Look at the picture – Almost 90,000 people at risk of poverty, according to EU data
If Malta’s credit rating is so high, how is it that we are still having such a large number of people at risk of poverty?
What is so wrong about this?
Aren’t the policymakers doing enough to assist these people?
Are there any organisations that are trying to assist? In what way?
In your opinion what else could be done?
What can students really do to help alleviate this situation?
Share your thoughts with us!