Follow Up: Introduction to the SDGs (Year 9 – Year 11)
Download the 2019 Europe Sustainable Development Report from this link.
You can find a lot of information in this report as a starter but you might find other relevant information elsewhere. If you do please share with the EkoSkola Team through the Contact Us form..
Look closely at the SDG index rating for Malta in the picture downloadable below and comment on the following:
How does Malta compare to other EU countries on the SDG index?
Which are Malta’s most challenging goals?
Does the SDG index reveal the real situation in Malta? In which ways?
Which SDGs do you expect to be even more challenging for Malta to achieve after the COVID-19 pandemic?
Do you feel that as a student, as an adult, as a parent/ guardian, as an educator, as a citizen you can contribute in helping Malta reach its goals by 2030? In which practical ways?