EkoSkola f’Tagħna t-Tfal – Frar 2013
This time, Mandy and Raymond went to the market with their aunt Lily. They were happily singing about the importance to eat fruits and vegetables everyday. During a short discussion between the vegetables we hear about how we can avoid using plastic bags and why. And how about the stamp Raymond discovered on the eggs, that is, before he made an omelete out of them…?
F’din il-ġrajja nsibu lil Mandy u Raymond sejrin maz-zija Lily il-monti, ferħanin ikantaw dwar kemm hu tajjeb li tiekol frott u ħaxix kuljum. Waqt taħdita qasira bejn il-ħxejjex nisimgħu dwar kif nistgħu nevitaw l-użu ta’ boroż tal-plastik, li fuq kollox jagħmlu ħsara daqs il-basktijiet tal-plastik! U xi ngħidu dwar it-timbru li Raymond skopra fuq il-bajd qabel ma għamel il-froġa…?