EkoSkola f’Tagħna t-Tfal – Diċembru 2012
December brings with it colder weather, more colds and of course Christmas! This issue is a discussion about heating versus moving around to keep warm. There are various ways how to keep warm without using electricity or other fuels. Well, quite something to think about… A Blessed Christmas to All.
Diċembru iġib miegħu temp kiesaħ, irjiħat u naturalment il-Milied! Din il-ħarġa hija diskussjoni li twieżen ftit moviment kultant meta imqabbel ma użu ta’ heaters biex iżżomm sħun. Hemm bosta mezzi kif iżżomm sħun mingħajr ma tuża’ l-elettriku jew fuel ieħor. Insomma, hemm x’taħseb… Milied Hieni lil Kulħadd.