BeMED 1. Save the Sea
Title |
Save the Sea |
Author | Valeria Caruana |
Age Guide |
KG1-Year 1 |
Subject Area |
Environmental Education; Personal, Social and Emotional Development |
Preparation Time | 5 minutes |
Estimated Duration | 45 minutes |
Site | Classroom |
Educational objectives | To learn how important it is to keep the sea clean and also to learn that plastic in the sea can do a lot of harm for underwater sea life. |
Learning Outcomes | – I approach new situations positively and with confidence.
– I show interest in my immediate and wider environment. – I am confident in taking up opportunities to be creative and imaginative. – I am competent and confident to ask questions and make discoveries. – I am motivated to engage with a range of learning opportunities present in my environment. – I can use the natural, social and built environment that surrounds me, as a context and source of learning. – I can involve myself and others in real-world issues to bring about a positive difference. |
Link to SDGs | SDG 14: Life below water |
Educational resources required | Appendix 1.1 – Handout – Save the Sea
Appendix 1.2 – Flipchart – interactive game (Kindly send email on if you wish to obtain this Flipchart) Appendix 1.3 – Powerpoint – interactive game interactive whiteboard internet connection |
Remote preparation | A video will be shown in the beginning of the lesson so the children will learn about the features of the sea turtle. |
Planning Considerations | It is important to help children develop a sense of awe about life below the sea to heighten their motivation to protect this life. |
Method | Introduction
Introduce the turtle character to the children. Loggerhead turtles are the most common turtles in Malta. They like to eat shrimps, jellyfish, horseshoe crabs, sponges, small fish and others. They can live up to 50 or more years. These turtles are known for their big head and strong jaws. Their reddish-brown shell is heart shaped. This video will help: Development Show the worksheet (Appendix 1.1) to the children and explain what they have to do. They need to choose the correct food for the sea turtle and cross out the plastic objects that will harm the turtle. Then they can colour the pictures they have chosen as food for the turtle. Conclusion This video is a good example of the damage done by throwing plastic in the sea Explain how sad the sea creatures are because there home is full of plastic. |
Follow-up activities | As a follow up they can play the interactive game (Appendix 1.2/1.3) where they have to choose the turtle’s friends and put them in the sea next to the turtle and put the trash in the bin. If they choose the wrong objects (plastic objects) they will hear a buzzer sound. If they choose the correct sea creature they hear a ‘yeah’ sound. (When using the presentation instead of the flipchart the educator will have to press the buzzer/yeah sound) |
Background information for educators |,feet%20stabilize%20and%20steer%20them. |
Adaptations | Prepare individual flash cards of the objects found on the handout to make it easier for the students to choose the food from the plastic objects. |