
Publication of the Proposals from Students resulting from the Climate Change Mini Summits

April 12, 2022

The British High Commission partners with Nature Trust FEE Malta to support student empowerment.        As part of the COP 26 follow up, the British High Commission in Malta supported Nature Trust-FEE Malta through the EkoSkola programme to hold five mini sessions that explored Climate Change from various dimensions. Several students from a total of 103 Maltese and Gozitan schools attended the online sessions. The recommendations of the EkoSkola students were collated in a publication and presented... 

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Climate Change Mini Summit supported by the British High Commission

December 6, 2021

In a renewed attempt to speed up local Climate Action, Nature Trust – FEE Malta in collaboration with the UK in Malta – British High Commission Valletta is offering a series of mini summits about various aspects of climate change. These online events provide students participating in the Eco-Schools programme with the opportunity to voice their concerns and opinions. The 1st summit Climate Change & Transport was tackled. Keep a look out for more summits in the coming days!  The 2nd... 

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An Educators’ Commitment for a Plastic-Free Mediterranean Sea

December 6, 2021

On 10th November 2021, Nature Trust – FEE Malta via its EkoSkola Programme launched an educational resource pack aimed at raising awareness and encouraging students’ actions towards sustainable living, responsible consumption, care for marine biodiversity, and the reduction of litter. A recurrent theme at the COP 26 meeting, as well as other similar international events, was the need for a change in mindsets that would enable the effective decisions needed to change the way we live and the choices... 

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15th EkoSkola Parliament Session

June 4, 2021

The 15th Virtual Extraordinary EkoSkola Parliament took place today 4th June 2021,  on the eve on World Environment day.  Last year, COVID-19 restrictions have prevented the organisation of the traditional annual EkoSkola Parliament Session during which EkoSkola students meet Members of Parliament face to face to discuss ways of improving the quality of life in our schools and our country. However, true to our commitment to give voice to young people and in response to the request of the same students... 

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EkoSkola students audit the Office of the Prime Minister at Auberge de Castille

June 1, 2021

A group of six EkoSkola students from St. Ignatius College Middle School accompanied by their educators carried out an environmental audit at the Office of the Prime Minister and other areas within Auberge de Castille, including the quarters of Hon. Dr. Carmelo Abela, Minister within the Office of the Prime Minister. Accompanied by their teachers and the EkoSkola coordination team, the students toured and examined the building and audited various areas including; the front offices, the reception... 

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