Curriculum Work

Besides increasing the status of the programme, linking EkoSkola activities to the curriculum ensures that EkoSkola is truly integrated within the school community. The general strategy suggested is that of infusing environmental education concepts into the already existing subjects and not that of presenting a new subject. Besides increasing an awareness of the environment, the weaving of an environmental education dimension in a particular subject enriches the subject concerned and thus makes it more relevant and interesting.

This infusion need not be a laborious task. The amount of linking is dependent on how the curriculum is structured and on the teachers’ willingness to engage in this initiative.

In the absence of a national policy on environmental education, it is no wonder that there is no mention of environmental education in the National Curriculum guidelines. Nevertheless, the guidelines propose several measures that facilitate the infusion of environmental education in the educational system.

The National Curriculum advocates a learner centred education by:

The National Curriculum also promotes decentralisation by:

The principles outlined in the National Curriculum mirror the basic principles underlying the EkoSkola programme. Participation in the EkoSkola programme should thus be viewed as a tangible opportunity to implement the National Curriculum. The list below broadly illustrates some ideas how environmental education can be integrated with certain curriculum subjects. For more specific ways of integrating environmental education with various subjects in the curriculum, teachers are encouraged to visit the Eco-Schools International Co-ordination website.




Social Sciences

Natural Sciences



Technology Education

Art & Design

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