18th EkoSkola Parliament Session – 20 years anniversary of young peoples’ voices

April 19, 2024
EkoSkola students appraise the National Strategy for Sustainable Development 2050 at the 18th edition of the EkoSkola Parliament Nature Trust FEE Malta organised the 18th edition of the EkoSkola Parliament under the auspices of the Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives, Hon. David Agius. 75 EkoSkola students from 40 schools gathered to appraise the National Strategy for Sustainable Development 2050. This yearly extraordinary gathering, held at the heart of Malta’s legislative chambers, exemplifies the commitment of Malta’s youth to environmental stewardship and sustainability.
The EkoSkola Parliament Session is the annual event that brings together young policy makers, participating in the EkoSkola programme, face to face with the country’s official policy makers in a positive parliamentary debate about ways of improving the quality of life in our country.
With eloquence, these students, representing the diverse EkoSkola network, addressed several members of Parliament that were present for the sitting following an invite sent by the students. The dialogue that ensued was both enlightening and inspiring, highlighting the importance of collaboration between governmental bodies and grassroots initiatives in achieving sustainable development goals.
Among the key highlights of the event was the tabling of a memorandum prepared by youths which was presented to the candidates for the upcoming MEP elections. During their intervention, youths addressed the significance of environmental policies in the political landscape on the national and European level. Their proactive approach emphasizes the urgent need for political engagement on environmental matters, urging for the necessary political determination to tackle climate change, biodiversity loss and social inequity.
The input from youths attending the sitting was also part of an initiative to mark European Youth Week (EYW). This is organized by the European Commission every second year to celebrate and promote youth engagement, participation, and active citizenship all over Europe and beyond. This year, the EYW is being held from 12th to 19th April, 2 months ahead of the European elections in June. The actions related to European Youth Week are supported by the European Commission through the Malta National Agency EUPA.
Nature Trust FEE Malta is steadfast in its approach to continue being the platform for meaningful discourse and action that has empowered Malta’s youth to be catalysts for sustainable development over the past 20 years. To learn more about this one could visit the 20 years of EkoSkola Parliament Exhibition which was    open throughout the month of April in the foyer of the Parliament building. The exhibition was sponsored by APS Bank Malta Ltd.



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